journalism cover


The Climate Web is a knowledge solution for understanding and tackling climate change, and is built with TheBrain knowledge management software.


If this topical doorway is your first exposure to the Climate Web*, you might want to take a look at one of these introductions:

Note: Right-clicking on links like those above will keep this page open in your browser so you can easily come back to it.

The doorway below uses active links to let you explore the breadth and depth of topical coverage in the Climate Web. Right clicking on links opens the Climate Web to that exact spot (each thought in the Climate Web has its own URL). Links open into the on-line version of the Climate Web, and allow you to see the range of curated topical resources available to you. Note that the on-line version of TheBrain software doesn’t do a good job of demonstrating the power, the speed, and the ease of use of the software, and this carries through to applications like the Climate Web. We’ll discuss below the ways you can leverage the knowledge curation available in the Climate Web, while avoiding the limitations.


Journalism Doorway

This Doorway is quite unlike other Audience and Topical Doorways, and focuses on the need of journalists to be able to explore a wide variety of topics quickly.


Journalism Doorway into Climate Web

The goal of the links organized below is to illustrate the breadth of information organized in a way relevant to the needs of journalists.

Most Doorways start with the highest level of information organization in the Climate Web, Index Entries, and work down to more granular knowledge curation.

In the case of this Doorway we focus entirely on News and Opinion Headings organizing news stories and blogs, often allowing you to scan the evolution of a topic over the last 5-10 years just by scanning the headlines. Note that with local access to the Climate Web all you have to do is hover your mouse over a specific story to have it open instantly on your screen. Accessing the links below on-line is more cumbersome, but can help illustrate the scope of topics you can quickly explore in the Climate Web. Note that the list below is just a subset of the more than 500 News and Opinion Headings instantly explorable in the Climate Web.

For some of the topics shown above we have in-depth Topical Doorways you can access by right-clicking on this link:


Accessing the Climate Web

This Topical Doorway has pointed you to a lot of topical resources. Since the Climate Web is open-access on-line, you’re free to explore these resources there. But as discussed above, on-line access is not an efficient way to leverage the Climate Web. The desktop and mobile versions are much more flexible, powerful and at least 500% faster when it comses to exploring the Climate Web (a function of TheBrain software itself).

If you want to take advantage of the Climate Web we strongly recommend taking advantage of the ability to download it, whether through our Your Climate Brain or Premium Access. You’ll be surprised at how cost-effective we’ve made these options as a way to leverage thousands of hours climate knowledge curation, but if they are still financially out of reach please contact us through the contact form at right to explore a free license.

Premium Topical Roadmaps are also an option for exploring topics in more depth, and they can be used even in the on-line version of the Climate Web. Representing hundreds of hours of research and knowledge curation, Premium Roadmaps link together together explanatory materials, topical headings, individual reports, news stories, videos, websites, and curated topical dashboards to explore a topic in depth, even including links to individual ideas and graphics extracted from a wide range of key sources.

Premium Roadmaps tell the story of a topic in far more detail than a Topical Doorway like this one. To clearly see the differences between a Topical Doorway and a Premium Topical Roadmap, you can take a look at both versions for “Under-Estimating Climate Risks:”

Another option you have to access topical knowledge in the Climate Web is to work directly with the Climatographers. We can deliver uniquely cost-effective customized briefings, webinars, E-courses, and more for utilizing the topical knowledge curated in the Climate Web To learn more about topical briefings, for example, take a look at our Climate Briefings page.


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Want to see what other Doorways are currently available? Click here!

To learn more about how the Climate Web is structured and its capabilities, click here!

Want to leverage the Climate Web into a fit-for-service knowledge management solution for your organization? Contact the Climatographers!

If you haven’t already done so, sign up for our Climate Web Newsletter!
